
I was clearing my old bookmarks and adding them to magnolia when I realized that Java Technology was pointing to http://www.javasoft.com. A long time ago (1998/1999) that was the link to java.sun.com. So now, if you type http://www.javasoft.com you’ll be automatically redirected to java.sun.com. Even on Wikipedia, if you type JavaSoft you’ll be forwarded to Sun Microsystem. There is just Webopedia that tells you that … Continue reading www.javasoft.com

Installer l’application


Le livre Java EE 5 vous permet de développer une application de commerce électronique en utilisant de multiples spécifications Java EE 5. Tout au long des chapitres vous devez développer couche après couche (persistance, session façade, interface web, gestion du panier électronique, services web et traitements asynchrones) pour obtenir le site de vente d’animaux domestiques.

Téléchargez le code

Avant toute chose, il vous faut télécharger le code de l’application pour l’exécuter.

Structure des répertoires

Décompressez le fichier que vous venez de télécharger et vous obtiendrez trois sous-répertoires principaux. Ceux-ci correspondent aux différentes applications :

Continue reading Installer l’application

Les critiques du livre Java EE 5

DZone avril 2008

Une fois n’est pas coutume, une revue de presse d’un site anglo-saxon. Un grand emerci à David Sills de l’équipe de JavaLobby qui, connaissant un peu le français, a fait l’effort de livre un ouvrage qui n’est pas écrit dans sa langue de prédilection. De plus, la critique est très bonne.

Un extrait : To be honest, I’d like to have this book in English for newbies in the field! We’d have a lot better applications built, I can say that.

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Installer l’application sur MySQL


L’application développée pour le livre utilise le serveur GlassFish et la base de données Derby. Pour installer l’application sur la base de données MySQL il faut effectuer quelques changement.

Installez et configurez MySQL

Tout d’abord, il faut installer MySQL 5. Pour cela, rendez-vous sur le site de MySQL et téléchargez la version dédiée à votre plateforme. Démarrez la base de données et connectez vous à celle-ci via l’éditeur (mysql -u root). Il faut ensuite créer la base petstoreDB et la rendre accessible à l’utilisateur dbuser (mot de passe dbpwd). Continue reading Installer l’application sur MySQL

Install the application


The Java EE 5 book enables you to develop an e-commerce application using multiple Java EE 5 specifications. Throughout the chapters you have to develop layer after layer (persistence, session facade, web interface, electronic shopping cart, web services and asynchronous processing) to obtain a web site to sale domestic animals.

Download the code

First of all, you have to downloadthe code of the application.

Directories structure

Uncompress the file that you have just downloaded and you will obtain three principal sub-directories. Those correspond to the various applications: Continue reading Install the application

Demo of the Petstore application

In the Java EE 5 book, you will have to develop a web and a swing application that talk to an EJB 3 back end.

In this Flash animation, you’ll see how to use the Petstore web application. First It browses the catalog of pets, then logs a user on, who buys a few animals, adds them to my shopping cart, changes some quantities of the shopping cart and then checks out.

In this animation you can see the administration console. It is developed in Swing and used to create/modify/remove items of the catalog as well as having a view on customer and orders. Continue reading Demo of the Petstore application

Java EE 5 Book – What, When, Who

As I‘ve posted back in september, the book I’ve written uses Java EE 5 to develop a good old PetStore-like application. It’s written in French and will be published by Eyrolles at the end of March or begining of April. It is part of the Les cahiers du programmeur collection (programmer‘s book). This collection is quite pragmatic and focuses on a hands-on approach. The books … Continue reading Java EE 5 Book – What, When, Who

I’ve been tagged – Six things you don’t know about me

Yes, I‘ve been tagged by Matthieu… a long time ago. I should have blogged back a month ago but because of finishing my book I haven‘t had time to do it. I deserve a penalty for beeing so late. So, here are six things (instead of five) about me that (nearly) nobody knows : Tell me a word and I‘ll sing you a song. I‘m … Continue reading I’ve been tagged – Six things you don’t know about me

Java EE 5 Book – The End

Today I‘ve uploaded all my Open Office files to Eyrolles FTP server. That’s it, I’ve finished writing my book about Java EE 5. I will blog later about its content. I just want to thank my team of readers : Matthieu Riou, Alexis Midon, Zouheir Cadi and David Dewalle. Thanks guys, you‘ve been a great help. The book will benefit from your comments and expertise. … Continue reading Java EE 5 Book – The End

JavaPolis 2006 – Back Home

Well, how to say that in a simple way: JavaPolis 2006 was great. Here are more details. Organisation First of all, the organisation was amazing. JavaPolis is not organised by Sun, BEA, IBM, Oracle… but by the BeJUG (Belgium Java User Group). Guys like you and me who decided 5 years ago to create such an event that became international and very professional. I‘ve been … Continue reading JavaPolis 2006 – Back Home

JUnit 4 at Java Polis

At Java Polis I made a quicky (a presentation of 15 minutes) about JUnit 4. I’ve been using JUnit for quite a while. I’ve also tried TestNG but never really got into it. In summer 2006 I worked with JUnit 4 at a customer. I’ve used it quite intensively, that’s when I decided to write an article about it (Get Acquainted with the New Advanced Features of JUnit 4). I’ve proposed a quicky to JavaPolis and it was accepted. Checkout the blog I wrote about it.

If you are interested in this presentation just check the slides. Continue reading JUnit 4 at Java Polis

JavaPolis 2006 – Leaving tomorow morning

God, I‘m so involved in finishing writing my book that I’ve completly forgotten talking about JavaPolis. I’m leaving tomorow from Paris in an early train (6:55am) and will present a Quicky about JUnit 4 on Thursday. I‘ve already picked up the sessions I want to attend, mainly JEE, Scripting languages and a bit of JSE. A couple of former BEA colleagues should be there and … Continue reading JavaPolis 2006 – Leaving tomorow morning

HelloWorld with JPA, Hibernate and MySql

I love Hello Worlds. So when I read the blog HelloWorld with JPA, TopLink and MySql I’ve quickly copied/pasted the code, downloaded everyhting and made it work. Good. But because I’m more a Hibernate user, I thought, let’s give it a try with the same example but using Hibernate EntityManager instead of Toplink. So here is the same simple example of standalone java application using … Continue reading HelloWorld with JPA, Hibernate and MySql

Annotations are great ! Really ?

Do you remember 6/7 years ago. EJBs were the big thing and with them came deployment descriptor written in XML. Then Webapp with their web.xml, and then Enterprise applications with their application.xml. XML was everywhere, XML was cool. Imagine, you can write your Java code, deploy it and after just twist bits and pieces in your XML files. XML, XML… Then we had SAX, DOM, … Continue reading Annotations are great ! Really ?

What would be your ideal job?

I‘ve been working in the IT industry for quite a long time now. Mainly in big companies, on big projects where you spend half your time in meetings and the other half writing meeting reports. Through this experience I‘ve met a lot of people who have had different experiences, different projects but I‘ve never met anyone who has had their ideal job during his/her career. … Continue reading What would be your ideal job?

Weblogic cluster life cycle

When you run a weblogic cluster you have to deal with several messages BEA-0001xx . It is then difficult to figure out what is the normal behavior of a cluster and the normal messages to get. Imagine two managed servers ClusterServer1 (listening on port 4001) and ClusterServer2 (port 4002) running on a cluster and sharing heartbeats through the multicast address ClusterServer2 is started first, … Continue reading Weblogic cluster life cycle