I’ve been awarded one of 100th people who will move IT forward in France for 2013

01 InformatiqueSometimes life is about surprises. The other day I received an email from a friend saying “hey, congratulation, you’ve been awarded one of 100th people who will move IT forward in 2013“. Of course, I didn’t understand his email and didn’t reply. A few days later I received a more official email from the French IT magazine 01 Informatique who said the same thing. Attached to the email was a 20 pages long PDF with the same title. I opened it, browsed it, and found my name.

This weekly IT magazine has a palmares once a year where they elect people who they think will influence IT for the coming year. I still don’t really know how they elect people, which criteria they take into account or who votes. Anyway, I was a bit surprised when I saw my name in these 100 influential people where you find the french minister Fleur Pellerin, Xavier Niel (Free), Rafi Haladjian (Sen.se), Miguel Valdes Faura (Bonitasoft), Octave Klaba (OVH) and plenty of people from Bull, IBM, Dassault, Orange, Cloudwatt, Atos…

So here I am in the middle of all these names. And what do they have to say about me ? Here is a translation of the magazine you can find here :

01article“Antonio Goncalves, Devoxx France.
This Java specialist is a star among developers. He has written two books on the subject and his blog antoniogoncalves.org has become a reference. Regularly, we see him at the Paris JUG, which he leads, or on the JBoss community website. Today this young man of 40 years is also the creator of Devoxx France, the conference for passionate developers held for the first time in Paris in April 2012″.

First, I would like to thank 01 Informatique who say I am a young man… even if I’m 40. It’s always good to know that you are young (in a job where companies don’t want senior developers). Second, I would like to thank them again for saying I’m a star. I’ve always consider John Coltrane, Thelonious MonkMiles Davis or George Gershwin to be stars. I wonder if my star has the same value of theirs ;o)  Oh, and by the way, what the hell this thing about JBoss community website in the article ?

Anyway, I’m sure my mum will be happy to know that I will be one of the 100th most influencial IT people in France in 2013

18 thoughts on “I’ve been awarded one of 100th people who will move IT forward in France for 2013

  1. Félicitations Antonio ! C’est grâce à toi que je me suis impliqué dans le Bordeaux JUG (je suis maintenant un membre du bureau). Long life to JavaEE !

  2. Félicitations et encore merci pour cette super formation.

    1. Pas seulement en France mais dans le monde francophone entier et meme plus !!! Distinction amplement mérité voir insuffisante tant Antonio aide les débutants a rentré dans le monde du développement JEE !

    1. Of course. I spend less time choosing my clothes in the morning and less time in the hairdresser… so I have more time to work on crazy projects such as Devoxx ;o)

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