An interview about me, Java EE 6, the JUG, the JCP and some Jazz

A few weeks ago, Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine asked me for an interview. My book has been out for a couple of month now, Java EE 6 is getting hot, GlassFish V3 is closed to final, the Paris JUG is doing well, I’ve recently been nominated Java Champion, JSR 299 and 330 are working hand in hand, the Cast Codeurs podcast is a success, summer and vacations are on their way… it was time to have a break, a nice lunch with Alexis, a few glasses of wine, and have a chat.

So if you want to know a little bit more about all that, you can listen to the podcast or/and read the transcription of it.

GlassFish Podcast

Podcast transcription

Thanks Alexis

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