How to unit test CRUD operations

I like to unit test CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for my domain objects as well as find all. I use the same template again and again, it’s quick to do and makes sure that the basic operations work. Here is what I do :

* A first find all to get all the objects from the database
* Create an object with random values and persist it into the database
* Find the created object from the database
* Make sure it exists
* Make sure it has the right random values
* Update the created object with other random values into the database
* Find the updated object from the database
* Make sure it still exists
* Make sure it has the new random values
* A second find all makes sure that there is one more object in the database
* Delete the object from the database
* Find the object from the database
* Make sure it doesn’t exist
* A third find all makes sure that there is the initial number of objects in the database

Here is the (simplified) JUnit code that tests the CRUD operations for an Item.

public void testCRUD() throws Exception {

    // Gets two random numbers
    Long random = getRandom();
    Long updateRandom = getRandom();

    // Item is the domain object
    Item item = new Item();

    // The method findAll brings back all the objects from the DB
    int firstFindAll = findAll();

    // Item gets mock values and is persisted. Id is returned
    item = getMockItemValues(item, random);
    Long id = item.getId();

    // Find the created object with the given Id and makes sure it has the right values
    item = find(id);
    assertNotNull("Object should exist", item);
    checkMockItemValues(item, random);

    // Updates the object with new random values
    item = getMockItemValues(item, updateRandom);

    // Find the updated object and makes sure it has the new values
    item = em.find(Item.class, id);
    assertNotNull("Object should exist", item);
    checkMockItemValues(item, updateRandom);

    // Gets all the objects from the database...
    int secondFindAll = findAll();

    // ...and makes sure there is one more object
    if (firstFindAll + 1 != secondFindAll) fail("The collection size should have increased by 1");

    // The object is now deleted

    // Find the object and make sure it has been removed
    item = em.find(Item.class, id);
    assertNull("Object should not exist", item);

    // Gets all the objects from the database...
    int thirdFindAll = findAll();

    // ...and makes sure we have the original size
    if (firstFindAll != thirdFindAll) fail("The collection size should have be the same as original");

If you have any other ideas, let me know.

One thought on “How to unit test CRUD operations

  1. I was searching for best practices in crud testing to improve my actual aproach, which its exactly the same as yours :P, ¿more coincidences? my name is also Antonio :D,

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